OK what is up with the recent weird pop-culture names for people, like Fashionistas and Foodies?
These are not words! Right now my spell check is freaking out and underlining both words in red.

Although many articles, blogs and sites use this term freely, none of them really seem to define it. From the context of how the term is used though, I gather that Fashionista's are people who like designer clothes and the latest fahsion trends, thus most New York women.
According to World Wide Words Fashionista is a gently sarcastic term for a person who is an enthusiast for fashion. It covers not only the dedicated followers of fashion who wear the clothes, but also those who write about them. And it can refer to those who design, make, model and publicize clothes, and the fashion buyers whose decisions determine the success of a collection.
The site says the term goes back to 1993, to a book by Stephen Fried entitled Thing of Beauty: the Tragedy of Supermodel Gia, but became more popular as of late.
I have yet to see men referred to as Fashionista's though, so the term makes me a bit uncomfortable since it labels women as solely fashion minded and materialistic. Yet, I can somewhat deal with the stupid sounding name, because at least it seems fun and trendy if not ditzy and derogatory.

There is also a soup commercial for Cambell's Selects that really annoys me and uses the term Foodies. It is always on the Oxygen Channel and it shows women food shopping when a voice over goes "They squeeze they chop, they sniff they wash, their Foodies!" So just because they select food at the grocery store and seem to take some care in the items they pick, they are foodies? Wouldn't we all be foodies? I know I never select bruised fruit. Plus who does not like to eat and enjoy food? Come on, everyone is a foodie then. Foodie, what a stupid name it sounds like booties.
Even Newsweek has resulted in using the new nickname. In an article about a chef called "A Foodie Unmasks."
My father was an Italian cook all his life, he barely liked the term chef. I know he would have hated it if someone called him a foodie, lol just thinking about it is making me giggle.
Posted by Tara
at 10:08 AM PST
Updated: Wednesday, January 5, 2005 6:53 PM PST