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When Tara Met Blog
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
As seen on
As Seen on When Tara Met Blog is featured on today, in regards to my post about CityMitts on March 14. They call me "a sassy-savvy New York gal." I'm pretty excited since I've been checking often for online shopping bargains and coupons. I wanted a bath mat that they featured recently but the color was no longer available, whatcha gonna do? Apparently the site is going to be retooled and redesigned this spring too.

I'm a B-list BlogebrityAlso been meaning to mention this for a few weeks now...I was added to the 'B list' at Blogebrity, which is also pretty cool.

PS: I'm going to be MIA the rest of the week. I'm heading for a 3 day trip to Nassau with my friend Karen. We're flying JetBlue and staying at one of those all inclusive places (Breezes) where the food, drinks and room are included in the package. So we're looking at a fun and relatively cheap weekend. I need some sun, I think this is the whitest I've been yet, none of my olive Italian coloring can be found. I'm bringing my video camera so who knows what fun stuff (blackmail) I'll come back with ;)

Posted by Tara at 9:01 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 1:30 PM PDT

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 - 9:30 AM PST

Name: Shae
Home Page:

Tara has the magic (blogging) touch! Good for you!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 - 9:34 AM PST

Name: AWE
Home Page:


In the same breath I am cussing you. I can't believe you are going to the Bahamas. I may have to start checking ticket prices.

Have a good trip.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 - 9:54 AM PST

Name: Tara

hehe sorry AWE, I figured there would be some cursing thoughts due to my trip. I'd silently be doing the same ;) Definitely check prices, this deal that we're doing is really affordable.

Thanks Shae!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 - 12:50 PM PST

Name: H. (aka. NC_State_gal)
Home Page:

Enjoy your time in Nassau, you lucky girl!!! Bring back some photos :)

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