There are certain restaurants and hoods in Manhattan that can remind you of a bad date or old flame and there’s that certain concern that you might run into them again, since you may still frequent the same places or have the same subway route, etc. Well, let me put your mind at ease, you will never see them again! Yet, you’ll still run into old school chums on the subway and every day friends, it’s one of the miracle’s that is New York City!
I was speaking with a girl friend of mine who says she is so surprised that she never runs into her ex, considering she has similar friends and goes to the same places, but two years later no run-in.
I’ve also had my fair share of dates, yet have never run into any of them again, phew. I’ve done the looking over the shoulder too. Meanwhile last week I unintentionally ran into my friend Stacy on 50th Street and a girl I had went to college with on the E train. How is this possible? I don’t know but so far it has rung true.
Link: Spank the Monkey I can do 327 mph! lol.
PS: My Film School Rejects DVD reviews are now getting picked up by Blog Critics. My latest are on the films Prime and North Country
Posted by Tara
at 8:15 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:38 PM PST