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When Tara Met Blog
Thursday, December 1, 2005
Like a bull in a comic bookstore
Awhile ago I wrote a post about how there's this 70's cartoon called "Tara and the Dark Continent." I had found the comic on eBay last year only to discover the super heroine is more like a porn star saving the jungle in pasties, lol. Anyway, it's still a cool cover and I keep meaning to get it framed for my apartment but it's not a typical slim comic book size but more like a magazine. It's too large for the 8x10 frames that they sell so I figured maybe a comic bookstore could help me out.

There's one above a 99 cent store on 14th Street near the subway I take. You have to ring a bell to be let in and then walk up a flight of stairs. As soon as I entered the store I never felt more out of place. The guy behind the counter gave me an angry look and the little boys flipping through the racks of comics stopped and stared as if I was infiltrating a private club. If they only knew I am a Star Wars and Superman buff, but that's neither here nor there. Unfortunately the employee said they do not sell the size frame that I was looking for and he pretty much made me feel stupid for even asking, it was amusing actually. He did recommend me buying a large frame and cut the matting myself since he said my comic wouldn't be worth framing. So, my hunt continues.

Do you believe it's December already?

Posted by Tara at 7:48 AM PST
Updated: Thursday, December 1, 2005 9:08 AM PST

Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 9:35 AM PST

Name: Steve (Your Scene It Partner)

Its ok Tara, take me with you as a chaparone next time. Im a closet comic geek.

Those type of guys arent used to seeing a female outside of video games. He probably lost it when you asked him a question.


Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 12:01 PM PST

Name: Master Foley
Home Page:

fudging bastard
it's crap like that that comic book geeks can't get laid

most of my books won't amount to any money but they are indicative of the time I spent growing up in college. And they still provide me with great excitement when I flip thru the pages of the new issue.

remind me sometime I should send you some superman books

PS. my heart skipped a little when I read comic book store

Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 12:39 PM PST

Name: H. (aka NC_State_gal)
Home Page:

Yes, it IS December...UUGH. I still haven't tackled gift shopping, yet.

I have been into a comic book store once in my life. Had a similar experience where the clerk followed me around like a little, lost, rabid puppy dog *LOL*.

Must agree with Master Foley, I am certain that is why the adjectives of "dorky", "never gets laid", "socially inept" are consistently used to describe comic book geek clerks like the one you encountered above the 99 cent store ;). Ah well, we all need love, right?

Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 8:15 PM PST

Name: Jennifer
Home Page:

Try using a shadowbox frame for your comic. they are usually about an inch or so thick.

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