I now pass this pretty tree on my way to work. I think it looks even better than the Rockefeller one. This one is fuller, has large lights instead of the little ones and has xmas balls hanging. Plus look at the pillars of the stock exchange all decked out in a flag of lights.
Famous Last Words
Last week I compared the impending MTA Subway Strike to Y2K, thinking it was causing a lot of buzz and fear for nothing. I guess I should eat crow now, right?
So yeah, the strike has indeed happened and I'm working from my apartment today. My laptop is setup to the server and I'm using conference bridges to talk with my coworkers and our clients. Tomorrow I'll just have to leave earlier and head to New Jersey's PATH train, which will bring me to the World Trade Center stop. Hopefully it won't be as cold as it is today.
News: Last stop! 'Shut everything down,' says TWU chief as bus, subway workers walk
Strike Day 2: I made it to work today despite the strike. I just had to leave earlier and walk to the PATH train, which brought me to the World Trade Center but first stopped in New Jersey. So yes, I had to go to Jersey first in order to go back to downtown Manhattan. Crazy, but it wasn't too bad, just very crowded and out of the way. On the way back it was chaos as lots of people tried to board the little train. I had to wait until the third train went by to just get to the front of the platform. As I was standing there we all stared across the tracks to the empty NJ only bound trains and their empty seats and platform. One woman muttered, "This is the first time I've ever been jealous of Jersey." Poor Jersey it was the butt of other comments while on the train as we stopped at their Newport station one wise guy said, "Close you're eyes, we're in New Jersey." Yet, some people were getting off there so he was lucky he didn't get takin out Sopranos style, lol.
Strike Day 3: Took a cab with three people heading downtown to the financial district. Still cost $10 each, which would be what it would normally cost but when split by three people it would be a lot cheaper yet since the meters aren't running it's a basic fare of $10 for going through one zone. Whatever, I was warm and didn't have to be herded like cattle onto the PATH. Tonight K and I are walking back, since she works near me and we're headed to a big screen showing of It's A Wonderful Life. Yay!
Posted by Tara
at 7:15 AM PST
Updated: Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:36 AM PST