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When Tara Met Blog
Sunday, February 12, 2006
The party before the storm
So I'm snowed in, over a foot of snow and still coming down. This storm ranked as the biggest snow storm in New York City history with 26.9 inches recorded in Central Park. Yet, my local Chinese restaurant is still making deliverers. I'm in my pjs watching TV, had to cancel brunch plans. Here's the view this morning from my fire escape:

On Friday night at midnight my friend Cindy got a bunch of us into the club Suede VIP--free drinks and entrance. Her friend dates the owner or something and after three years the place is going to be turned into a gay bar very soon, so we finally coordinated our schedules and got our groove on there. Although some of the guys were pretty sketch and they kept touching our hair when dancing, it was weird. Anyway as promised, here are some photos at the club and after wards, Massiel and I around 4 a.m., tired and waiting for our fries at Florent.

News: Frequent Netflix renters sent to back of the line Grr!

Quote of the week: Karen: "It's not like it's Ben and Jerry Go to White Castle." Me: "What? You mean Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle!" Karen: "Why what did I say?"

Posted by Tara at 10:44 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, February 12, 2006 8:08 PM PST
Friday, February 10, 2006
Been there
Who's had a date that has ended like this? ;)

I was unsuccessfully holding in laughter when I spotted this expressive photo on the subway last night. The man over me whose NY Times I was spying on looked at me as if I was cracked though.

To read the story that the photo actually belongs to go to:
Undercover Agent in Fur Snares a Fake Veterinarian.

Posted by Tara at 6:01 AM PST
Updated: Friday, February 10, 2006 8:44 AM PST
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
What's on my DVR
Dancing With The Stars
Project Runway
Grey's Anatomy
Desperate Housewives
My Name Is Earl
Commander In Chief
Daisy Does America
Hope & Faith
What I Like About You
Living With Fran
How I Met Your Mother

Sexy Fashion Stat: The average American spends between $60 and $360 a year on lingerie (RedBook). I wonder how much is spent on Valentine's day alone, by their men too.

Today's Random Search Query: I often receive hits in from search engines due to some random search queries. Today someone reached my blog by typing in, "how to met girls in ny city for free." First of all, using bad grammar like that will make it that much harder to meet someone, never mind for free. Secondly, I have no idea why When Tara Met Blog came up, yes, I am a girl in NYC, but I am anything but free ;)

Personal Quote of the Week: Who wants to go to a Republican party anyway? How much fun could it be without any gays?

Link My boss Leo just wrote a blog post on Avoiding the Wussification of Public Relations . I had suggested he use the word 'acquiescent,' which he did! It's pretty kick ass, the blog post that is, not the word.

Posted by Tara at 8:37 AM PST
Updated: Wednesday, February 8, 2006 6:21 PM PST
Sunday, February 5, 2006
The ole razzle dazzle
My friend Stef from Jersey just started student teaching a 4th grade class, but on Sunday mornings she trains at CBS studios to be a makeup artist. So, of course when we go out together she insists on doing my makeup, especially since I usually take the minimalist approach. I also freak out when people touch their eyes or put in their contacts, so I'm especially difficult to put eyeliner on, but Stef seems to be getting the hang of it. She used three different colored eye shadows (blue, silver, and brown) plus mascara and liquid eyeliner. I've never done more than one color, but I think it came out pretty cool, how about you?

And here I am apparently enjoying the look and am thanking Stef for her hard work.

After three rounds and spotting that it was 1:30 a.m., we decided to head back to the west side to order in some mozzarella sticks and drink some H20. Since each round of cosmos were $21, we were rendered cashless, so we headed to the subway, where we literally waited on the platform for 45 mins and by the time we got to my apt it was 3 a.m. At least Stef stayed amused taking photos of our plight:

Unfortunately Stef's car was towed the next morning, putting a damper on her visit for sure. Damn, alternate side of the street parking!

PS: Go Steelers!

Posted by Tara at 4:02 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, February 7, 2006 1:40 PM PST
Friday, February 3, 2006
The Caffeine Workout
I read somewhere that a half an hour before you head to the gym you should have a cup of coffee or some sort of caffeine, that way you will increase the duration of your workout and be more awake and up to exercising.

Since I head to the gym after work and am usually a bit tired, I thought this made a lot of sense, I also have a Starbucks conveniently located at the base of my building. So, I would order a latte and head to Crunch. As a result I was going at least 5 mins more on the Elliptical machines and doing more reps. Who knows if it's a placebo effect or indeed the caffeine, but it was helping. I also felt more jazzed while there.

Until I finally realized that the calories that I was burning were only the calories that I just consumed while drinking the sugary, fancy latte's I had just ordered like the White Chocolate Mocha or Cinnamon Dolce Latte. I'm not a big coffee fan though and these are the only coffees that I drink, since they taste more like a hot chocolate or warm milk.

I love tea though, but usually drink decaffeinated since I'm a wimp when it comes to caffeine in the first place.Before I go to the gym now I'm going to have a cuppa Earl Gray or Green Tea--hold the calories--for that extra energy surge that I need.

I also just ordered some sample packs of loose leaf white tea from Adagio Teas, they come in these cute little tins too that look adorable on my counter. Let me know if you'd like me to email you a free $5 gift certificate, just put your email in the comments section and I will. FYI the sample packs cost only $1-3.

Posted by Tara at 8:05 AM PST

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