So I'm snowed in, over a foot of snow and still coming down. This storm ranked as the biggest snow storm in New York City history with 26.9 inches recorded in Central Park. Yet, my local Chinese restaurant is still making deliverers. I'm in my pjs watching TV, had to cancel brunch plans. Here's the view this morning from my fire escape:

On Friday night at midnight my friend Cindy got a bunch of us into the club Suede VIP--free drinks and entrance. Her friend dates the owner or something and after three years the place is going to be turned into a gay bar very soon, so we finally coordinated our schedules and got our groove on there. Although some of the guys were pretty sketch and they kept touching our hair when dancing, it was weird. Anyway as promised, here are some photos at the club and after wards, Massiel and I around 4 a.m., tired and waiting for our fries at Florent.

News: Frequent Netflix renters sent to back of the line Grr!
Quote of the week: Karen: "It's not like it's Ben and Jerry Go to White Castle." Me: "What? You mean Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle!" Karen: "Why what did I say?"
Posted by Tara
at 10:44 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, February 12, 2006 8:08 PM PST