So I started a side freelance PR business called, Buy the Book PR. Right now I have an eclectic group of clients, but I would like to be focused mainly on representing romance and mystery authors, thus the name of my site, which Raphael's very new company, Starting Gate Solutions, designed for me.
I got the idea after helping out my friend and author Farrah Rochon with her first book release. I had interviewed her on my blog before. Anyway, it's been fun trying this new niche, it's not easy since there aren't many sites or publications that cover romance (unenlightened lot!).
I just got Farrah though on the radio channel KFTZ 'Z103, Idaho's Number One Hit Music Channel. They gave away her signed book and related goodies in a giveaway. The male DJ had fun with the contest and had callers pick a page number and see if something elicit was happening on that page of a different romance book. I thought it was a clever idea, instead of just simply having the 4th caller win or something. He also read the back cover synopsis on air. You can listen to the fun clip here. I was really happy with the hit.
I also have another client that's an author, Rebecca Benston, who writes romantic suspense novellas. I submitted her for the above radio opp too, which hopefully will happen soon. We also came up with a fun contest idea for her site. Since she's now writing the third book in her Rona Shively PI series, the contest is to submit your idea for a good character to appear in it. Not only will the winner's character appear in the pages of her book, but they will also win some free goodies and a signed copy. I can't enter, but if you do, feel free to submit the idea of a female blogger named Tara, a native New Yorker who works in PR and now lives in Los Angeles, just an idea off the top of my head. Good luck.