It's been a good year, no major deaths for a change, had some fun dates and good times out with my friends, completed my master's degree, found a new job. vg indeed.
BUT...did I complete my resolutions from last year? Let's see:
* Will let my crush know how I feel --Nope, didn't do that, but the point is moot now and there were several other crushes along the way ;)
* Find at least one vegetable that I could possibly like besides potatoes and corn, since my friends say those are hardly vegetables to begin with and that I need to explore greens. --Yup, did it! I like string beans with lots of butter to dilute the taste

* Stop answering you know who's calls and being his bitch. --Done, see ya
* Go to Magnolia less frequently and to Thai restaurants more often. --I think I did that, well at least the Thai part.
* See more Broadway plays/musicals. Yes, I saw eight shows! Check out the side column pull down bar for the reviews
* Write an ending to the book I've been writing for 5 years so I can move on to the hundreds of other stories that are in my head. Nope, too chicken and no time. Hopefully now that I'm done with my extra studies I can.
* Actually do the reading for my graduate courses instead of just skimming. --Does it matter, I'm done!
* Do my homework assignments *before* watching my recent NetFlix rental. --Yes, my NetFlix watching declined immensely, however, it was replaced with DVR watching
* Make myself feel uncomfortable and do what comes to my mind when going out with friends, since those are the times when I end up having the most fun. --It's my motto, it might have gotten me in trouble a few times but no regrets.
* Finish Mary Tyler Moore Season 1 DVD--I've only owned it for 2 years now. --And you'd think this would have been the easiest one. I got through 3 dics though, and there's still time left. Maybe on the plane to NC when I go visit my aunt.
* Try Pink Champagne -- I've been wanting to since seeing "Affair to Remember" and "Love Affair," before I could even drink alcohol legally. --I'll buy some to toast in the New Year and will report back on the taste.
* Next New Year's Eve will do the midnight 4 mile run in Central Park and drag my friends too. There's fireworks. --Hmm I managed to gain the interest of only one friend, so I failed there. I'm going skiing in Vermont instead.
Overall: Blog more, drink more, laugh more! --Check, Check, Check!
Posted by Tara
at 9:01 PM PST
Updated: Sunday, January 1, 2006 6:38 PM PST