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When Tara Met Blog
Tuesday, November 2, 2004
The Kerry K's and the Bush Broncos, Let's go ...?

It's funny to think that the presidential candidates have become the equivalent of sports teams. For example, today I'm supporting my "team" by sporting a Kerry Edwards pin on my hip. As I walked to the subway, I passed an elderly man raising a Kerry sign over his head and giving out flyers urging people to go out and vote today. When he went to hand me one, I pointed to my hip, which caused a huge smile from the guy. To think the campaign has caused the ability to fraternize with strangers here in NYC.
Then as I got on the subway to work, a scary looking woman, at least I think it was a woman, wearing a t-shirt with an X over Bush's head gave me a head nod. I haven't felt such comraderie since I took the 4 train to Yankee stadium during the playoffs and as we got closer and closer to 161st Street the train gradually filled with fans in Yankee uniforms. I think lately wearing election paraphernalia or a sports cap are the same thing. They both unite and alienate and show who you are rooting for. Who's your daddy? Unfortunately if Kerry was a sports team, being from Mass he would be the Red Sox...I shutter to think!

Also like sports signs, I feel awkward wearing my "team" in certain areas, just like it takes a lot of guts to wear a Yankee hat in Boston and vice versa. It's also a sensitive topic to discuss who you are voting for, because tensions are high. I remember when you didn't wear your candidate on your sleeve, but that seems to have changed in this election. I'm actually removing my pin now, because although I'm proud to wear it, I don't want to be rude to anyone with different views. It's one thing when I'm walking on the street among strangers and another when I'm at work.

Posted by Tara at 6:49 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, March 1, 2005 7:50 PM PST

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