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When Tara Met Blog
Friday, May 19, 2006
You Scratch My Blog...
Don't you just love networking? I don't mean in the salesy or fake type of way, I mean just meeting people of similar interests and introducing yourself to strangers at social gatherings and learning about each others professions and passions. Well, I do. I always find it thrilling to meet new people in general even if it's just for a night.

Let me explain the reason for my above tangent. Last night I went to a launch party for Coutorture, (cute name, but I get tongue tied trying to say it) a new fashion blog. The party was sponsored by Glam and held at the unpretentious Lucky Jacks bar on the Lower East Side, but in the downstairs room where the bartender was serving Peanut Butter and Jelly Martini's, pretty weird no?

While there I spoke with Lesley Scott of Fashion Tribes who I heard speak in a panel back in February at the Blogging is the New Black breakfast. She was super friendly. She also has podcasts that can be downloaded on iTunes, which I plan to start loading and listening to while on the subway to work.

I also ran into Pamela, the very cute founder of Bag Trends who happens to be the very same person who sent me my kick ass Kooba bag and she remembered. In fact, she said it killed her having to send the bag away, but I said hey, at least she got to see it again since I was wearing it that night. Oh and another thing we had in common is that we both studied journalism at NYU and are now doing PR and blogging. It's a small media world after all.

Being a fashion event, every one of course was dressed very chic. I was complemented on my necklace several times and given the sources it made me even more elated.

The party also allowed for me to be introduced to a new blog Clothes Pin and its writer Karen whose site's motto is "hanging style out to dry for the whole neighborhood to see." She features emerging fashion talent and was very nice to meet. As was another woman, Conlyn that I met who is a lawyer by day and an image consultant on the side, which means she remakes straight men. I'd like that job but I doubt I'd be very good at it.

There were of course a few people there who were working the crowd a bit too hard, but that's with any networking event, right? So that was my night, well that and then watching the Will & Grace finale on my DVR. Check out the Boston Globe article Series finale had plenty of will, lacked grace.

News: Blogs now have a world of influence

Posted by Tara at 7:44 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 12:11 PM PDT

Friday, May 19, 2006 - 8:30 AM PDT

Name: AWE
Home Page:

Damn! I forgot the final was last night. I don't think the guy from the Globe was real happy with it, so maybe I didn't miss much.

Friday, May 19, 2006 - 10:52 AM PDT

Name: Peter
Home Page:

Like my transient freind Chuck would say, you Tara, are "living the dream". Another great freind of mine has been in advertising for ten years or so and he's always going to cool New York events like the one you describe. You media people have it good.
Well, this seems like the oppotune place to unveil the beginnings of my blog--I say beginnings 'cause I still need way more pictures! Anyway, I've opened it on or whatever that ghetto site is called. I'm just writing what I can about completely unrelated subjects. I'll figure on a theme sometime--I hope. When you have a chance, please stop by and read a little. I'd love to know what a seasoned blogger thinks.

Take Care,


Monday, May 22, 2006 - 11:08 AM PDT

Name: Tara

Yay, Peter glad to see that you finally set up your own real blog. Congrats! It's looking good too. I like the muppet photo and office stories.

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