The story is about a military veteran played by Brody who returns to his hometown of Vermont suffering from bouts of amnesia from head trauma induced from an accident in the Gulf War. When he is accused of murder and lands in an asylum, an experimental doctor (Kris Kristofferson) puts him on some heavy drugs, restrains him in a straight jacket, and locks him away in a body drawer of the basement morgue. While inside the body drawer Brody is able to see what he believes is the future and... well the rest you'll have to see, it's very Sixth Sense and Momento.
I thought the movie would be scarier than it was, and fortunately for squeamish me, it wasn't too bad but indeed freaky. At times the content was uncomfortable due to camera work that makes the audience feel as if they are going through the same torture as Brody's character. Also their were some bloody scenes and needles.
It was nice seeing Kris Kristofferson and Jennifer Jason Leigh back on the silver screen, it had been awhile for both of them. Keira Knightley also did a good job but her voice at times annoyed the shit out of me, it was very mumbly and hard to understand, I was impressed at how different she looked with the dark hair and unkempt look.
Posted by Tara
at 9:01 PM PST