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When Tara Met Blog
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Whole Foods Before The Storm
It's always an adventure going to Whole Foods supermarket, especially during lunch time or after work when the lines are gynormous despite the 26-manned registers. It reminds me of skiing and the lines you have to stand in while waiting for a ski lift. There's six long lines that filter into one, a couple express lanes for singles and an employee at the end directing people where to go just like at a ski mountain. In the end the bill is almost as expensive as a ski pass too, which is why I don't go often, but the food court that lets people eat the prepared foods they just bought is fun and really nice.

When leaving the store, guess who got suckered into buying a normally $3 umbrella for $7 since it was pouring out? Me, because I stupidly forgot to pack my umbrella today despite the weather reports. The guy didn't even extend his opened umbrella over my head while I scrambled for the bills. So, I ended up soaked anyway. The faux fur on my jean coat looked like a wet cat and my cords got dark and dirty on the bottoms as I walked home. At least I had bought some soup to warm me up.

News: Now I don't have to feel too guilty about eating Magnolia cupcakes or making homeade Mac and Cheese. Comfort Foods Switch Off Stress, Scientists Find

Posted by Tara at 9:01 PM PST
Updated: Thursday, November 10, 2005 1:13 PM PST
Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Signs that Tara has had too much to drink

• I'll drink and dial or drink and TXT people

• Give out my business cards to strangers

• Blurt out that I have a tattoo, or worse yet, showing people my hidden tattoo.

• Will sometimes dance on bars and platforms at clubs, then again I've done that when I'm not drunk too, so strike that.

• Spill drinks while talking wildly with hands, showing off my Italian half.

• Every song that the DJ plays I declare is my favorite song ever.

• My lips get numb so I lick them and move them around a lot, lol.

• Near the end of the night will even do a shot of Jagermeister or tequilla, even though it messes me up further.

• Try to cover up the fact that I'm drunk by using big words, which aren't that impressive like "decor."

• Must eat something greasy!


What are some of your tell tales?

Oh and by the way I own that Don't Drink and Dial tee.

News: Study Picks Best Search Engine for Scholarly Information

Posted by Tara at 9:01 PM PST
Updated: Friday, April 28, 2006 11:51 AM PDT
Sunday, November 6, 2005
The New York City Marathon
Today is the NYC marathon and it's weird not having someone to go cheer on. Two of my friends who were supposed to run both suffered injuries only weeks before hand :( Me, I'm a wimp and wouldn't attempt to try doing it in the first place. In high school I did the required mile in 12 mins--if I was having a good day. I went to the gym instead today, and while on the elliptical machine bopping to Blondie I watched the runners cross the finish line.

When I was younger my mom was dating a man who was running in the Marathon, but what he was looking forward to most wasn't the metal but a photo of himself crossing the finish line for his office desk. So my mom was there at the end, cheering, jumping up and down, snapping photos and grabbing his discarded clothing. A few days later when he got the film back, the pictures revealed the top of his head crossing the finishing line. Ouch! lol

Posted by Tara at 12:40 PM PST
Updated: Friday, November 11, 2005 1:33 PM PST
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
When there's smoke...
I woke up to the sound of helicopters. I kept waiting for them to fly away but they stayed and hovered. I figured they must be doing a traffic report or something. But as I walked a few blocks to the subway, smoke was everywhere and down the road near Chelsea were tons of firetrucks and more smoke.

It burned my eyes, I could barely see as I made my way to 14th Street subway. I did manage to spot Julianne Moore again strolling her daughter, same outfit but she had on a baseball cap this time. I only saw her because she literally crossed my path with the stroller.

My hair now smells like I spent the evening at a cozy ski lodge (I wish!) since it smells like a fireplace. I had a few coworkers actually take a sniff, lol.

News stories:
NY Daily News Chelsea Fire Sends Smoke onto nearby Subway Tracks
CBS News Four-Alarm Fire Rips Through Chelsea Garage

Posted by Tara at 6:49 AM PST
Updated: Wednesday, November 2, 2005 7:23 PM PST
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
My Halloween
For Halloween our office dressed up, there were Harry Potters (yes plural) a Dr. Evil and more. I went as a Lady Maverick, IE Jodie Foster in Maverick. For extra accessories I stapled a deck of cards together, revealing a hand with a straight. Also put a King in my guarder belt. Yes, it was interesting riding the subway that morning. I thought there would be more people in costume on their way to work, but no. Luckily I didn't have my feather cap on until I got to the office. But it was worth it since I came in second place in our costume competition. I lost to Jamie who was a pregnant Britney Spears, which as you can see was pretty creative and funny.

That evening I helped host the live TED-TV coverage of the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade again. However, unlike last year where I marched in the crazy parade and interviewed the different people in costume, this time I had two other co-hosts and a script. The script called for one of the hosts to mysteriously disappear so we could act out a murder mystery within the spooky parade. It was a lot of fun but a lot of walking. I'm interested to see it all edited together, hopefully my "acting" is not embarrassing. It airs Nov. 13 on Manhattan Cable TV at 7:30 p.m. channel 56 with Time Warner and ch. 108/111 on RCN.

DVD Review: My latest review of one of my favorite TV shows is up at DVD Fanatic, Alias, Season Four. Thank you Drea for your input and Alias expetise.

PS: I saw Julianne Moore in a black jump suit strolling her daughter in the West Village area. She had sunglasses on but her porcelain skin and bright red hair gave her away. She was speaking to a couple and their little girl.

Posted by Tara at 7:51 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, November 1, 2005 7:52 PM PST

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