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When Tara Met Blog
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Reasons why I've stopped seeing some guys
• Bad kisser, big time, I mean it was like an octopus' suction cups or something

• Had bad breath

• Didn't know what speak easy's are or about prohibition

• Too short

• Smoked

• Selfish

• Cried at movies while my eyes were dry

• Wouldn't call or meet when they said they would

• They were Red Sox fans. Just kidding, actually unfortunately for me, most guys I date are Sox lovers and give me crap for being a Yankees fan a.k.a. a winner ;) At least they like baseball though, better than no interest in the sport.

Do you have any real interesting ones???

PS: My partially exposed breasts are now in the blogger Boobiethon for breast cancer. Donate or send your photo.

News: My former press ethics graduate professor at NYU wrote the following article Me Against My Students. You'd have to be an idiot to try and plagerize in his class, afterall he's the Forbes reporter who caught Stephen Glass' fabricated articles.

Posted by Tara at 9:01 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, October 5, 2005 6:49 AM PDT
Monday, October 3, 2005
Always a bridesmaid ... part 2
I'm back from the wedding and it was absolutely beautiful. The inn was amazing, very New England and right on the lake. The setting and classic wedding dress made for a princess fairytale like ceremony.

Thankfully after all the tailoring my bridesmaid dress fit to the T, so no wardrobe malfunctions, phew.

As a gift, the bride's brother made a website for his sister's wedding, which will soon have photos here, but I've uploaded a few myself so you can take a look at how pretty it all was.

Look at Nicki's pretty dress the wedding party Me and Cindy

News: Nicolas Cage named his son after Superman's birth name Kal-el. I'm a Superman fan but what a freak (read more)

Posted by Tara at 6:29 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, October 4, 2005 11:11 AM PDT
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Always a bridesmaid ...
well actually I'm always a maid of honor (once for my mother's wedding and again for our friend Kathy) but this Saturday will be the first time I'm a bridesmaid. The dress I'm wearing is burgandy and gold. Unfortunately it arrived a few sizes too big, so it had to be tailored. I won't know if it fits for sure until I head up to the wedding. Hopefully there won't be a wardrobe malfunction of Superbowl proportions.

The wedding is for my college friend Nicki and it's in Meredeth, New Hampshire at The Inns and Spa at Mill Falls on Lake Winnipesaukee. I've never been, so I'm looking forward to seeing this massive lake and hopefully some changing colored leaves and foliage during my 4.5 hour drive.

Psst...does anyone else think it's ironic to be married in a state thats motto is "Live Free or Die" ?

Posted by Tara at 9:01 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 1:07 PM PDT
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio
Caught an advanced screening again yesterday at Lincoln Center, for The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio starring Julianne Moore and Woody Harrelson.

It's based on a true story and book, The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio: How My Mother Raised 10 Kids on 25 Words or Less.

Evelyn Ryan (Moore) is a devoted housewife and mother of ten in the 1950s. A time period perfect for Moore since she looks so classic and has played a 50s housewife in Far From Heaven and The Hours. Her husband (Harrelson) can't seem to make ends meet, especially since most of his paycheck goes to liquor. The mortgage payments and putting food on the table falls to Evelyn, defying conventions of the day. She continually finds a way to keep her family together by applying her resourcefulness and wit to winning poetry contests and writing jingles for prize competitions. She wins a supermarket shopping spree and other contests that provided washing machines and other appliances the family couldn't afford, and even delivered cash to pay the milk man.

Harrelson who I've admired ever since his play appearances in Rainmaker and An Average Day, does a good job playing a jealous and hapless 50s husband. Although it gets really annoying that they call each other mom and dad, I hate that, but it's a true story so I guess they have to ;). People in the audience got so annoyed at the father's destructive character that there were numerous hisses and yells at the screen. I even heard two women mutter, "I'd kill him!" Thus he does a good job playing the loser dad.

Moore meanwhile is good in anything, so I don't even have to go there. Her character though is so perfect that I often got annoyed at her turn-the-other-cheek persona, however it's also very admirable as is her wit and endurance.

The film starts a little weird with Moore talking directly to the camera, but I enjoyed the television commercial like feel to the audience address. Overall the film is sentimental and aims to pull at the heartstrings, but "cute" and enjoyable none the less.

I felt bad that I invited a male friend to this women's film, but I brought him some candy from work and didn't seem to mind as much ;) Thanks Jesse.

DVD Review: 3rd Rock From the Sun--The Complete First Season.

I totally forgot how adorable and creative this show is. I always enjoyed it but I didn't watch every episode, since they kept changing what day it was on and so forth. Anyway, since receiving the first season on DVD, I've been popping through the different episodes like they were potato chips and laughing out loud. Jane Curtain plays such a straight lace neurotic, John Lithgow is brilliant maintaining that shocked child-eyed wonder throughout too. I kept looking forward to see what trouble the aliens would get into next and how they would embarrass poor Dr. Mary Albright and their secretary Nina. The first season is really endearing and I'm glad I got a chance to refresh my memory with these episodes.

Also, the coolest part is that the DVD talks, yes talks. Like some action figure there is a button on the box set and when pressed it has Dick saying "You are ... judgmental and completely self-absorbed, won't you be my friend?" I loved the idea of making the DVD more than just a DVD, too cool.

DVD Show Season Score: A+
DVD Sound & Vision: B
DVD Packaging/Layout: A
DVD Special Features Score: B
DVD Show Collection Overall Score: A-

Posted by Tara at 9:01 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, September 30, 2005 7:27 AM PDT
Monday, September 26, 2005
Spelling Bee & Avenue Q
I finally saw the coveted new Broadway show, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee on Saturday evening with K. The musical comedy is about a group of grade school misfits who compete in the county spelling competition.

The theater is decorated with school banners and hand painted signs, just like a real educational institution would be. Even the stage and theater are made to look like a gymnasium with wooden floors, basketball hoops and a circular seating arena. It's really fun and creative, putting you in the scholastic mood right from the start. And the setting really made me eager for the live performance.

The show is partly interactive since they pick four audience members to come sit on the bleachers with the other contestants and even have them spell words with the actors. It's pretty funny. Even funnier are the sentences they give the children to describe the words that they are asked to spell.

The students, played by adults, range from a shy Asian girl yearning to rebel and not be so perfect, to a heavy boy who uses his foot to spell out the words he's given. Then there is a lonely girl in pig tails; a lesbian named Logann who is raised by two dads; an Asian boyscout who is more interested in the ladies at the bee; and a lispy red head boy who does not think he's smart. All of whom are under pressure to win in order to make their parents happy and eager to prove that they are the smartest.

Overall, it's a fun show, lots of laughter and enjoyment. The songs are cute but not memorable, since I can't recall any of them off the top of my head except the Unintended Erection one. However, the story line, humor and cast members make up for the lack of creative/catchy music.

Spelling Bee was nominated for six 2005 Tony Awards and won two, including Dan Fogler's performance as an overweight speller blessed with the magic foot.

Starting Oct. 2, they will be having 'Mature Audience Only' shows on certain set days, where there will be more naughtier words to spell.
After a theater going dry spell, it was a Broadway weekend for me, because the following day another friend and I took in the matinee showing of Avenue Q. This musical includes puppets, so yes another kids theme, yet again more for adults and their life lessons.

Avenue Q is the story of Princeton, a typical bright-eyed college grad who comes to NYC seeking a purpose but with a tiny bank account. He soon discovers that the only neighborhood in his price range is Avenue Q, which doesn't exist but makes fun of how far out it is, since the avenues in Manhattan only go up to D.

There he meets neighbors under similar circumstances, including a single girl who is a "monster" and his building's superintendent the former child star, Gary Coleman (played by a woman). Together, Princeton and his newfound friends struggle to find jobs, dates, and their ever-elusive "purpose" in life.

Despite winning the Tony for best Musical, I was hesitant to see this production. The whole human and puppets idea seemed freaky, but who knew puppet sex would be so funny, lol. And unlike Spelling Bee, the songs are catchy and more memorable. They include original titles like, "Sucks to Be Me," "It's OK if You're Gay," and "Everyone's a Little Racist."

The songs are sometimes interrupted by Sesame Street like cartoon lessons being shown on side TVs, but they aren't G rated e.g. a lesson about one night stands, haha.

Celeb Sightings: Saw David Hyde Peirce at the Broadway Flea Market & Auction, who by the way I've always had a crush on. I know, I know, shut up. He looked really good too. And the red head guy (Alan Tudyk) from A Knight's Tale walked by me on 45th Street on the way to the theater, but he looked upset and in a rush so I didn't say anything.

Posted by Tara at 9:52 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 8:03 AM PDT

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