Valentine's Day with Tony Danza

I had been trying to get tickets to Tony Danza's morning
talk show since it premiered in September. I grew up watching Who's The Boss each week and Taxi reruns and have always loved him, maybe because he is Italiano like me.
Anyway, I couldn't get tickets because the show was always filled.
But a couple months ago I noticed on ABC's site it said, "Attention Single Women in NY." I clicked on the link and it asked if I'd like to attend a special Valentine's taping of The Tony Danza Show. I entered my name and forgot all about it. Then a few weeks ago I received a call on my cell phone asking if I still wanted to go to a taping. I said sure, but asked what I had to do? I was afraid they would be setting me up on TV or something. It turns out the audience is going to be full of single women, and single men are gonna come out and give us gifts. So, I wasn't going to say no to a taping AND free gifts. The intern on the phone also mentioned we might all be going out to lunch with Tony afterward! How cool is that?
So me and my girlfriend went to the live taping Valentine's Day morning. We were told that we had to wear red or pink.
If anything, I hope to ask about the tattoo on his arm. I used to always look for it on Who's the Boss, but could never really see what the picture was of. I know it says "Keep On Truckin," but underneath that I think its a cartoon of a man walking? or ribbons? urghh it's been annoying me for years.
Taping RecapOMG! It was amazing! Did anyone watch the show? I might not have gotten a car like the Oprah audience
BUT we all received a
free 2-night 3-day trip to Marco Island in FL! The trip is valued at $870! I have to pay taxes on it though, but big deal. I'm still in shock over the tons of free gifts that we got.
OK let me back track a bit. Our audience full of women was instructed to go outside and help film Tony's intro bit. We all had to scream "Live from New York!" This is when I saw
Desperate Housewives guest,
Ricardo Antonio Chavira, enter the building. He was really shy and sweet and nodded to everyone and shook my friend's hand. He looks better looking in person. The show for some reason makes him seem darker and heavier than he is.
Anyway after that we went back in the studio to watch the show. Tony did a push up contest with Ricardo and won. Since Tony won everyone in the audience won a box of
Givere chocolates and
EchoWomen Perfume by Davidoff--it's new.
Tony by the way looked great, in a red shirt and black pin stripe suit. He's tiny in person though. He also did little tap dancing steps during the commercial breaks for the audience. He said he learnt after an episode of Taxi had the cast pretend to tap dance, but he decided it would be fun to really learn so he did.
Also Tony announced in the beginning that all the women present would get
Message Connextion bracelets, which cost $200! Everyone of course thought that was great.
During one of the commercial breaks, I was able to ask Tony about his
tattoo. :) He said he no longer has it, since he had it removed. It did say Keep On Truckin though and had a Mr. Natural cartoon underneath. Thus, I was right it is a cartoon man taking wide steps.
The next guest was an animal expert, who had the cutest puppies on and a big bunny. We were all given another gift, a CD of Elvis love songs called:
Love, ElvisThere was still another surprise though, over a hundred single men came out and gave each of us a bouquet of assorted colored roses.
From the calls I got after the taping, I was apparently in several of the camera shots and one close-up right after they announced the free trip. Great, so my mouth was probably open or I was screaming like a wacko. lol.
After the taping Tony took everyone on a Spirit Lunch Cruise around the Statue of Liberty. Too bad the weather was so icky out, it was sleeting when we went around the statue. While aboard I was able to take a group photo with Tony and give him a quick hug. Yay! I also met two girls that are from my town in CT but who I hadn't known and some nice guys too. My group of new friends and I went out to a bar in Chelsea when the cruise ended.
Oh by the way The Tony Danza Show has been renewed for another season.
Posted by Tara
at 9:01 PM PST
Updated: Thursday, July 28, 2005 7:07 AM PDT