• I'll drink and dial or drink and TXT people
• Give out my business cards to strangers
• Blurt out that I have a tattoo, or worse yet, showing people my hidden tattoo.
• Will sometimes dance on bars and platforms at clubs, then again I've done that when I'm not drunk too, so strike that.
• Spill drinks while talking wildly with hands, showing off my Italian half.
• Every song that the DJ plays I declare is my favorite song ever.
• My lips get numb so I lick them and move them around a lot, lol.
• Near the end of the night will even do a shot of Jagermeister or tequilla, even though it messes me up further.
• Try to cover up the fact that I'm drunk by using big words, which aren't that impressive like "decor."
• Must eat something greasy!
What are some of your tell tales?
Oh and by the way I own that Don't Drink and Dial tee.
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Posted by Tara
at 9:01 PM PST
Updated: Friday, April 28, 2006 11:51 AM PDT