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When Tara Met Blog
Sunday, October 31, 2004
What time is it? Time to get a new watch (drum roll please)
Mood:  silly
I just realized that I never wear a watch anymore, and I blame my cell phone for that. Usually whenever I need to know what time it is, I fish in my bag or pocket for my mobile. It's digital and I am always carrying it around anyway. So why bother with a watch? I used to use both but then my battery in my watch died and I found I could go on just fine without one. Plus now I no longer have to worry about removing it before jumping in the shower, which I would always forget to do.

I admit I did have pangs of wrist-watch-loss earlier this week when I was on the subway platform worrying that I was running late. I dreaded the thought of searching for my cell at the bottom of my jam-packed purse. Being lazy, I asked the woman next to me if she had the time and what did she do? She pulled her phone out of her coat pocket and read me the time. I laughed and explained to her that I no longer wear a watch anymore either and that I just use my cell phone to tell time. We both briefly marveled over the fact until the downtown 2 train arrived.

Posted by Tara at 9:01 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, December 20, 2004 7:45 AM PST

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