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When Tara Met Blog
Wednesday, April 25, 2007


To me “clarity” is not a happy word.  To me it means that something has been lost and now your views have been changed due to a final moment of clarity. The whole, one door closes another window opens theory comes to mind. Yes, clarity is a good thing, I just hate that it usually comes after great heartbreak, after something shocking happens that can’t be undone, something that has changed everything and as a result has caused you to see things in a whole new light than you did before “the something” happened.

Usually my clarity comes after the end of a friendship or relationship, sort of like hindsight. It’s not until after the breakup or termination of feelings that I start seeing things clearer and not la vie en rose-- through rose colored glasses.

Speaking of real tragedies though, in the case of the terrible Virgina Tech shootings I've been continually impressed with the parents of the victims and how some even have the clarity at a time like this to already think of the future and about protecting other students by recommending organizations like, a non-profit organization whose mission is safer campuses for students. It seems at least one good thing will hopefully come of this horrible event, that future students will be protected and colleges and universities will be more aware of situations like this. 

Seeing all the coverage, it became clear to my friend Elizabeth at FuturisticFamily and I that we should team up to help bring light and hopefully $$ to Security on Campus. For the next week, twenty five percent of the net profits from will be donated to Security On Campus.

Here are some products and gifts on the site that I found especially cool that you can buy this week and help the worthy charity.

USB Powered Beverage Cooler

Product PhotoKeep your drink cold while you work. This compact Beverage Chiller is powered by your computer's USB port, which chills the cold plate to 45° F. You'll be able to enjoy a cold soda or water without ice while you work, chat, or study. This can be found/bought in the site's Executives section for $24.99. 

A New Safer Candle

Product PhotoIf you love candles but hate the risk of fire or cleaning up wax or just hate the expense of candles, then you'll love the Flicker Candle. It's battery operated and looks just like a real candle. It even flickers like a real candle. A friend had these at a wedding recently and everyone was picking them up to see if they were real. I've also seen bars with them to prevent buzzed visitors from disrupting them. This one sells for $16.95 and can be found in the Moms section as well as the next item. 

Lipstick Pepper Spray

Product PhotoWhy take chances? I just bought some pepper spray because where I live there are a lot of scary bums and because of the incident I had on Halloween, but the one I got is bulky despite being a keychain spray (It's huge!) and it cost more. This powerful pepper formula, meanwhile, is contained inside a common looking lipstick that houses a powerful self protection pepper delivery system. The Lipstick Pepper Spray is a convenient and subtle way to carry the protection you need. It contains 5 one second bursts and sprays up to 6 feet. Perfect to arm college girls or any city women. Oh and it comes in four colors and costs $15.95 each.

We are now down to only nine Blog-off contestants including myself--it's definitely starting to affect my clarity ;) which if you haven't guessed was this week's word prompt. 

Posted by Tara at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, May 2, 2007 11:56 AM PDT

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 - 12:46 PM PDT

Name: "Kat"
Home Page:

La vie en rose! great use of french!!! And i love that song :-)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 - 5:16 PM PDT

Name: "Courtney"
Home Page:

Those are some random items! You touched a little on what I'm going to be posting later... about how it's only after the fact that you can see how things SHOULD have gone down. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 - 6:01 PM PDT

Name: "Evey"
Home Page:

Seems that is how it goes in life. Alwyas the whats if and what i should have done or said. I guess that makes us human, we all have regrets. But perhaps things never would come clear had we not had things to regret in the first place. If that makes any sense.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 - 9:15 PM PDT

Name: "H. (aka NC_State_gal)"
Home Page:

All of your observations about how we come to gain a little clarity in our lives is true.  It usually not the joyous things in life that provide us with a clear vision, but the tragic things that touch our soul and cause revelation.  

Of course, a lot of drinking and some e. can provide some clarity, as well.... (JUST JOKING...well sorta...long story *haha*).



Thursday, April 26, 2007 - 5:24 AM PDT

Name: "~G"
Home Page:

Very proactive approach....I like!  Thanks for bringing these items to light.  I would have never known about it otherwise.

Thursday, April 26, 2007 - 12:38 PM PDT

Name: "Heidi"
Home Page:

I hadn't really thought about clarity coming after the fact, but it's very true.  It's a good thing, though, because it provides insight and objectivity (even if it takes a while for us to get there!).

I'm dying to buy that USB cooler for someone... anyone... just not sure who yet.  But why would I want a candle that doesn't smell?  The only reason I burn them is to get rid of the smoking-man's stench from next door.  *g*

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