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When Tara Met Blog
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Did you ever have to make up your mind?
Pick up on one and leave the other one behind
It's not often easy, and not often kind
Did you ever have to make up your mind?

Did you ever have to finally decide?
Say yes to one and let the other one ride
There's so many changes, and tears you must hide
Did you ever have to finally decide?

I'm sure you have, everyone does. I just made a big choice and decided to switch companies. It wasn't easy either, not at all. I really liked the PR firm that I was at and learned a lot there, but it's going on two years now and I desired a new experience. Plus I'm about to get my master's degree in one months time, thus transitions are all around.

With the Godfather marathon I had two weekends ago, I can't help but quote it, "It's not personal it's business." I bet you thought I was going to say they gave me an offer I can't refuse :)

So, I'm trading in the bright Times Square for the busy Financial District. Maybe I'll meet a suit down there though.

News: Generation Y: They've arrived at work with a new attitude

Posted by Tara at 9:01 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 11:46 AM PST

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 - 11:44 AM PST

Name: Drea

Congratulations and good luck! I hope you like the new place. Wow, you're done in December? Congratulations on that too! y'know, I've never seen the Godfather. I have a friend who, whenever I tell her that, gasps and in a high-pitched voice asks why. lol! She's so easy to get a reaction from.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 - 1:06 PM PST

Name: Tara

Thanks Drea! *gasp* you haven't watched the Godfather either? tsk tsk I'm on your friend's side there.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 - 7:49 PM PST

Name: Hiromi
Home Page:

Tara - congratulations. Very coincidental, I just posted about change today on my blog, as well. Change is inevitable and it helps us grow and transform.

I think it is great that you decided to take a leap. Good luck at the new job!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 2:02 PM PST

Name: Master Foley
Home Page:

well no changes for me
but congrats to you

I'm such a bad person because I havent watched the Godfather all the way thru

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 7:10 PM PST

Name: Steve from Norwalk

Hey Tara,

I traded a 5 mile commute for my new gig in White Plains. Its a much more challenging role but so far I love it. Its been one month and I have already been travelling solo twice.

Didn't know you were gtting your masters, congrats!


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 7:40 PM PST

Name: Tara

Hey Scene It partner!

I'm glad your new job is going well, hopefully in a month's time I'll be able to say the same thing. I bet the commute on 95 and 287 can't be fun. Yeah, I've been working full-time and going for my master's in journalism full-time at NYU Graduate School of Communications. I can't wait to just have a job and no extra homework or an evening class after work.

Saturday, November 19, 2005 - 10:23 AM PST

Name: pia
Home Page:

congrats on both!

watching the Godfather all the way through and then watching it 20 more times is essential to meeting a suit on Wall Street

Think you're supposed to know every line by heart and also be able to explain how it relates to everything in the world

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